When you need instant financial support, a Gold Loan is the quickest and easiest way to meet your needs with fast approval, minimal documentation and competitive interest rates. Your gold can help you achieve your financial goals without selling it. Our STP Gold loan service allows you to access funds by pledging your gold from the comfort of your home. We ensure a hassle-free borrowing experience.
Customer can apply for STP Gold loan with their mobile no/saving account no/customer id by clicking on Start Application
UCO Bank gold loan offers a convenient way to the customers to meet all types of needs such as Agriculture, business, Personal /Consumer needs etc.
Eligibility Criteria
An existing Gold Loan customer can avail top-up Gold Loan against his/her existing gold loan accounts and also repledge the existing ornaments/Jewellery for another term after paying the outstanding interest & other charges without physically visiting the Branches.
Nature of facility
Gold loan can be availed as Demand Loan, Overdraft or Top-up Loan as per the need of customers.
Credit Score Requirement
The Margin on UCO Bank gold loan scheme is starting from 15% in Agriculture and 25% in Non-agriculture Scheme. Bank offers highest per gram value for your gold ornaments /jewellery.
Repayment Tenor & Moratorium Period
The repayment period for UCO Bank gold loans are fixed based on the loan scheme and purpose/need of the customers. Convenient repayment options and Bullet repayment facility available. Interest to be serviced along with principal at maturity.
Pledge of Gold Jewellery/Ornaments/ Coins.
Documentation Charge
Prepayment Charge
Processing Charges
No Charges for Top-up Gold loan facility For Re-pledge Gold loan Processing charges as per schedule below (Excluding GST): Upto Rs 25,000/ – Nil >25,000-Rs 1 Lacs – Rs. 250/- >Rs 1 Lacs – Rs 2 Lacs – Rs. 350/- >Rs 2 Lacs – Rs 3 Lacs – Rs. 500/- >Rs 3 Lacs – Rs 5 Lacs – Rs. 800/- >Rs 5 Lacs – 0.25% with Max Rs. 4000/- Note:- GST will be applicable on above charges