Disclosure relating to Bonds

Disclosure relating to Bonds

Disclosure relating to Bonds

Bond Interest Payment -28.06.2024

Record Date Intimation - 29.05.2024

HY Disclosure on Bond Issued - 03.04.2024

Annual Disclosure - 03.04.2024

Bond Interest Payment -31.03.2024

Bond Interest Payment -22.03.2024

Bond Interest Payment -18.03.2024

Bond Ratings- Infomerics - 04.03.2024

Bond Rating -CARE- 20.02.2024

Bond Ratings - Acuite - 20.02.2024

Record Date Intimation - 09.02.2024

Bond Interest Payment -16.12.2023

Bond Ratings -India Rating - 15.12.2023

Record Date Intimation - 06.11.2023

HY Disclosure on Bond Issued - 06.10.2023

Payment of Interest - 28.06.2023

Record date Intimation - 24.05.2023

Payment of Interest - 31.03.2023

Disclosure under Reg 57 (4)-23.03.2023

Payment of Interest - 22.03.2023

Bond Rating -Assigned-09.03.2023

Bond Rating - Reaffirmation-24.02.2023

BOND RATING- New and Reaffirmation-Acuite-21.02.2023

Record Date Intimation - 15.02.2023

Redemption - 28.12.2022

16122022-Payment of Interest on 9.71% BASEL III Tier II Bonds – INE691A08062

Bond Ratings - Reaffirmed

Revision in Rating of Bonds

Intimation of Record date under Regulation 60(2) of SEBI(LODR) Regulations 2015

Disclosure in terms of Regulation 57(5) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015

Submission of Statement pursuant to Chapter VIII of SEBI Operational Circular dated August 10, 2021

Disclosure in terms of Regulation 57(4) of SEBI LODR

Intimation of Record date under Regulation 60(2) of SEBI(LODR) Regulations 2015

Annual Disclosure of Non-Convertible Securities for the financial Year 2021-22

Payment of Bond Interest-28062022

Disclosure under Reg 57(5) of LODR-04042022

Disclosure under Reg 57(4) of LODR-23062022

Disclosure under Reg 57(5) of LODR-01072022

Clarification- Disclosure under Reg 52(7) of LODR-20052022

Allotment of 8.51% BASEL III Tier II Bond -31032022

Allotment of 8.51% BASEL III Tier II Bond - 22032022

Record Date Intimation-20052022

